SEC Charges Third ‘Mastermind’ In Centra Tech ICO Fraud | 討論區

Guangyaw May 3 '18

SEC Charges Third ‘Mastermind’ In Centra Tech ICO Fraud

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced charges against a third partner in an investigation of Centra Tech Inc.’s alleging that was a fraudulent securities offering. In an amended complaint, the commission charged Raymond Trapani, a Centra co-founder. The SEC previously charged Sohrab Sharma and Robert Farkas, two other co-founders, for their roles in the fraudulent scheme. Stephanie Avakian, Co-Director of The SEC's Division of Enforcement stated:

“We allege that Centra sold investors on the promise of new digital technologies by using a sophisticated marketing campaign to spin a web of lies about their supposed partnerships with legitimate businesses. As the complaint alleges, these and other claims were simply false.”

Read more here
