Crypto Fund Investment Inflows Hit Second Highest Level on Record | 討論區

Guangyaw Dec 9 '20

Crypto Fund Investment Inflows Hit Second Highest Level on Record






Institutional investors have put in $429 million into cryptocurrency funds and products the week ending on December 7, the second-highest on record, pushing the sector’s assets under management to a $15 billion all-time high.

Data from digital asset manager CoinShares shows that at the end of last year, assets under management were at $2.57 billion in the crypto space. The largest crypto fund, Grayscale, saw inflows of over $330 million last week, and now has over $12.4 billion in assets under management.

James Butterfill, an investment strategist at CoinShares, noted that on an anecdotal level the firm has seen “a decisive shift from inquiries of a speculative nature” to inquiries pointing out bitcoin is “here to stay.”

The largest weekly inflow on record was $468 million and was seen three weeks ago. So far this year inflows for bitcoin-focused products have totaled nearly $4 billion.


