Brazil’s Securities Watchdog Halts Binance From Offering Derivatives To Users in the Country | 討論區

Guangyaw Jul 9 '20

Brazil’s Securities Watchdog Halts Binance From Offering Derivatives To Users in the Country






Brazil’s securities regulator, the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), has barred cryptocurrency exchange Binance from offering derivatives products in the country.

An order published on Monday details the CVM said Binance “does not hold authorization” to act as a securities intermediary in Brazil for derivatives contracts and securities, regardless of the underlying assets. The order reads:

"It remains evident that the company Binance Futures, through the webpage ',' captures customers residing in Brazil with a public offering of derivative intermediation services...; the aforementioned company does not hold authorization from this Securities and Exchange Commission to act as a securities intermediary.”

According to local news outlet Portal do Bitcoin, CVM has threatened a daily fine up to R$ 1,000 ($186) if Binance does offer derivatives in Brazil and fails to “immediately suspend” the direct and indirect offering of such services on its website and social media platforms.


