Defi Lending Procotol Exploited for Over topic Million Worth of Ether | 討論區

Guangyaw Feb 19 '20

Defi Lending Procotol Exploited for Over $1 Million Worth of Ether






Decentralized Finance (DeFi) lending protocol bZx was exploited two times by attackers, who managed to profit over $1 million worth of ether through their attacks. The first one saw the attacker take out what’s known as a flash loan to profit from a short position.

Using the decentralized trading platform dYdX the attacker borrowed 10,000 ETH and sent half to Compound and half to bZx. Using the funds on Compound, it borrowed 112 wBTC tokens to, and using the funds on bZx entered a short position for 112 wBTC.

The attacker then sent the 112 wBTC it borrowed from Compound to Uniswap to sell the tokens and lower their price, making the short sale profitable. After repaying the 10,000 ETH loan, the hacker still had 1,300 ETH worth of profit. It was all done in a single transaction, and since the loan was repaid in the same transaction it was taken no collateral was needed.

The second one saw the attacker take out a flash loan of 7,500 ETH and send half to Synthetix to buy sUSD and deposit it to bZx as collateral. They then used 900 ETH to market buy sUSD to manipulate its price and bring it to over $2, allowing the attacker to take out a larger loan. Using it, they repaid the original loan and made a profit of 2,388 ETH, over $640,000.

Speaking to TheBlock Robert Leshner, founder of Compound, said:

“Security is the ultimate priority for a financial product. The bZx team has repeatedly demonstrated that it isn’t capable of protecting user funds, and should immediately cease operations until the platform can be thoroughly and completely audited.”

bZx has paused its protocol in light of the attacks.


