Site speed is everything | 討論區

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Guangyaw Nov 4 '19
Site speed is everything


“Site speed is everything”. Not a day goes by without a new article, white paper, Google representative or SEO expert telling us that optimizing for speed is one of the most important things you can do right now. And they’re right, of course! Site speed influences SEO in many ways. We prepared a small overview of how site speed and SEO go together.

Does site speed influence SEO?
Okay, so we now know that site speed influences SEO. But how? Users expect websites to be fast. As the world becomes increasingly mobile and as consumers expect services to be on-demand and seamlessly delivered, having a poor site speed can seriously impact your SEO. In this post, we explain how this works.

Ready for some action?Learning how to check your site speed doesn’t need to be daunting. We’ve got a short guide to teach you the basics. Go read and check whether your site meets some fundamental speed criteria.
