Small businesses: your online presence matters | 討論區

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Guangyaw Jul 9 '19
Small businesses: your online presence matters


As a small business owner, you need to understand that your website is your online shop window - and act accordingly! Build trust by offering a great user experience and - most importantly - by providing information that’s correct and up to date. Make sure people can find you when they're looking for your services or products, especially in your local area. There's so much you can do to boost your business from your computer, so why not start this weekend?

What is local SEO?
Improve your small business SEO today
Tips for your local SEO content strategy

P.S. Find it all a bit overwhelming? Then try one of our Yoast plugins which has been created especially for local SEO - it takes care of the technical side of things for you. Check out our Local SEO plugin!

Make sure your customers can find you!
SEO isn’t just for large companies. As a small or local business, there is so much you can do to achieve local success yourself. Our ultimate guide for small and local business SEO tells you everything you need to know about finding your niche, optimizing pages, improving your social media efforts and much more!

Read the ultimate guide to small business SEO 

Combine the power of the Yoast Local SEO plugin and Yoast SEO Premium plugin to technically optimize your local business site, improve your content and make sure you’re found by your local community.

Get the Yoast Local Premium bundle 
