To check our Fortnite building guide from Sletrry's blog

So the drum gun, I would argue, is fairly fundamentally distinct from the rest of the weapons and items introduced in fortnite materials: Battle Royale. Every other thing introduced into this game has fallen into two distinct categories: they are either relatively simple modern-day, such as the S.C.A.R, the shotguns, the conventional Assault Rifles or most of the other essential weapons, or they are just plain nutty, such as the port-a-fort or the boogie bomb.

 That is essentially Fortnite's aesthetic right now: ridiculous things set alongside recognizable weapons. The drum gun, on the other hand, is something different: it is a true weapon but not modern-day, and it seems to be an obvious pair for the film noir skins Epic released another day.

For me, this says three things: one, Epic is merely loosening up a little bit with their firearms. Two, the developer wishes to give you lots of fun tools with which to create movies. And three, this could just be some type of validation for the concept that Season 5 will go time traveling.

No matter the drum gun is live in the game right now, so people are already figuring out how to utilize it. Here are the specs, per Epic's patch notes: The Drum Gun is a weapon weapon that combines the stopping power of a rifle with the suppressive ability and fire speed of an SMG. Available in Unusual and Rare variants. 26/27 base damage. 50 round capacity. Uses Medium Ammo.

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