No impact on gameplay whatsoever from xingwang's blog

From Rudi’s perspective, the Rocket Pass is just another way for Psyonix to shower items onto the dyed-in-the-wool rocket-freaks who’ve already put thousands of hours into mastering the subtleties of their hit game. “We didn’t even really think about it from a financial perspective,” he says. “We have enough new players each month to sustain the game, frankly. It’s more about having a short-term experience that engages with players all across the spectrum. I’m a big believer in the one-more-turn compulsion – this idea that, well, I’m only one game away from getting my next tier, so let’s go again.”

Though Rudi says the Rocket League team is cognizant of the gaming community’s fervent, pseudo-militant opposition to loot boxes and other forms of “monetization” beyond a traditional single-purchase model, he believes that the game’s commitment to solely-cosmetic items speaks for itself. “I mean, hey, they’re all cosmetics. No impact on gameplay whatsoever,” he says. “We even let the premium players pay keys to move up a few tiers. If you want the crazy hat, you can just go, man. It doesn’t really matter, you know?”

Overall, while these choices might seem like a matter of inches this late in the game, for the die-hard “Rocket Leaguers” out there, it’s clear that this patch will have a distinct impact on their day-to-day scrims moving forward. “We just want to promote a good gameplay experience,” says Rudi. “I think if we keep doing that, who knows? We might have another interview in ten years about this. We’re getting bigger and bigger, and we’ve never been doing better. I think ‘Rocket League’ is here to stay with the big boys, like “League [of Legends]” and “Counter-Strike.” As long as we keep it fun, I think we’re doing a really good job.”

Back in May 2018, Psyonix revealed that Rocket League would be getting a Rocket Pass. Similar to Fortnite's pass, the Rocket Pass is a kind of secondary progression system in which players reach new tiers and unlock progressively rarer cosmetic items, rather than earning them solely from drops and loot boxes, which can't be opened without purchasing keys or earning decryptors during special events. The rocket accord is a a lot of Rocket League Items accepted bold in all over the world. However, it can be declared as a soccer rocket powered by car. In anniversary item, one or four players are alternate in a chase and the rocket motor can bulldoze the brawl into the ambition of adversary as able-bodied as denticulate in a game. To accomplish it simpler to win a game, the players should crave the best items such as auto and cars.

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