There is no way the VAR can put that play from mtnba2k's blog

There is no way the VAR can put that play back together to create a goalscoring opportunity. The balance is skewed to the negative. Nani had a goal disallowed at the Confederations Cup for an offside that had FIFA Mobile Coins Buy occurred earlierEqually, it depends on the specific question being asked of the VAR. Rugby referees sometimes say: 'Is there any reason I cannot award this try?' That's too vague. How far do we wind back? There could be an infringement in a previous phase of play.

It would be the same in football.Asking if the scorer was offside is markedly different to seeking a reason the goal cannot be given.

There might have been a minor foul on the halfway line, 45 seconds earlier.So yes, we'll get greater accuracy; but it will become frustrating if excitement and entertainment levels start to fall because goals get scrapped over petty infringements long passed. Particularly as, unlike rugby, cricket and tennis, football has an obstructive aversion to informing those inside the stadium. Fans are not allowed to listen in on the officials' conversations, so do not even know what is up for discussion. 

There is confusion off the field as need more help well as on it.Considering the time football's rulemakers spent poring over the VAR system, it seems ludicrous that some very obvious nuances, complications and weaknesses were not foreseen. What else did they have to think about? 

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