The Falcons lost an offensive weapon from xingwang's blog

The Atlanta Falcons running back Devante Freeman will miss the game against the Carolina Panthers. The Falcons lost an offensive weapon. After the lack of Freeman, the Falcons' red zone touchdown efficiency It will even lose 7 success. It is reported that Freeman is recurring in the game against the Philadelphia Eagles. Freeman's knee injury is the shadow of  Madden 19 Coins these seasons. But the good news is that the Falcons revealed that Freeman's knees have not suffered structural damage. The running back may miss one or two games, but the details need to be observed slowly. In the next game, the Atlanta Falcons can only mention Tevin Coleman to the starting position.

The Cincinnati Tigers second-year running back Joe Mickelson was injured in the Thursday night game, and Mickelson had to choose surgery to remove the broken pieces from his knee for treatment. In the first two games of the season, Mickelson rushed for 94 yards and 85 yards respectively. Joe Mickson felt pain in his knees in the game against the Ravens, but the running back still filled the whole game. field. After the lack of Mickelson, the Tigers had to think about the next response

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