There was also a third selection of OSRS gold from Limm's blog

There was also a third selection of OSRS gold response: people saying that they followed the guide's advice and went searching for"Pablos," as a few took to calling Venezuelan players. "They really get pissed if you keep killing them and cursing at them in Spanish [and] they will attempt to gang up on you," said a man or woman who claimed they'd been in it for a couple hours. "Free loot + enjoyable."

The manual wasn't the first-time Runescape players had expressed anti-Venezuelan sentiment, but it was easily the most barbarous illustration of it.

"I had been expecting people to Cheap Rs gold empathise and for once realise that games could only be a way to change people's lives," said Yasser, a former Runescape farmer who moved into the US a year ago, at a DM. Instead, he said,"the whole thing just made feel rage. Not your normal'political debate' kind of rage but something more private, particularly because my family remains [in Venezuela], and I know what starving feels like. To observe these men that had the luck to be born on the ideal ground dehumanize Venezuelans, guy, that ripped me."

Venezuelan gold farmers are not like the massive armies of bots unleashed on Runescape and other matches, sometimes by gold farming companies. Instead, they frequently spend entire weeks and days farming manually, and they generally work independently, rather than as part of a company. The way many of them perform -- up to the rs Experience point at which they market the gold does not violate rules as straight as, say, using a bot.

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