Shaper's Guardians are found in tier 16 maps from rsgoldfastcom JK's blog

Shaper's Guardians are found in tier 16 maps. These maps are available right in the center of your Atlas. There are four channels, and poe currency four distinct Guardians in them. Each of them have a totally different set of motions, and all them will absolutely destroy you when you are not prepared.

Let us begin with the easiest one: Hydra. She's an archer that will keep you on your toes. She has a barrage style move that powers up before discharging, and it kills almost anybody if they all connect. She has an incredibly strong arrow, which can be denoted by a power up. It does around 5,000 damage, and is not anything to scoff at. As you're dodging these moves and attacking her, the area is also always spawning Frostbolts for one to dodge. All that said, this is the simplest guardian fight, since all the powerful moves are telegraphed.

Chimera is not too hard, if you know his mechanisms. He only takes a very long time to fight, also contains plenty of phases. For the most part he'll just hit you in the face, and most of his attacks do not do too much damage. The only attack he has that's genuinely frightening is his poe review smoke cloud. He'll disappear and you need to run into every smoke till he hits you and then reappears. Other than that, he is a breeze.

Phoenix is possibly the most simplistic of this bunch, but also very lethal. He's got an attack that whirls forward you need to dodge, otherwise you turn into a pancake. In addition, he has an insanely powerful fire explosion that he charges up for before discharging, so steer clear of the. His only other interesting mechanic is he spawns phoenixes around the space. You'll likely need to clean them all at some point.

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By rsgoldfastcom JK
Added Sep 19 '18



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