In the 2017-18 season from xingwang's blog

In the 2017-18 season, Kane personally scored 30 goals in the Premier League for the first time in a single season. But unfortunately, due to Salah's excellent performance, Kane became the first Premier League shooter after the Hiller, the first to score 30+ goals. Although Tottenham’s league rankings are in front of Liverpool, Kane’s personal data is still inferior.

As can be seen from the statistics, in the Premier League of Buy FIFA 19 Coins the past four seasons, Kane has scored more than 20 goals per year and has increased year by year. Finally in the 2017-18 season, Kane crossed the 30-goal mark and gained a personal milestone. However, the golden dream of Sanlianzhuang was ruthlessly broken by Salah. For Kane, this season's goal, in addition to helping Tottenham Hotspur win a championship, naturally includes the victory from Salah's feet to win the Premier League Golden Boots.

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