MapleStory M brings the PC game angel to mobile from lolgaonline's blog

MapleStory M will go access in 140 countries at 7 ceremony Pacific time.The adventurous is accessible on both iOS and the Google Play Store.Tokyo-based Nexon said players who log in and play MapleStory M over the next 14 canicule will access adapted in-game items ceremony day until August 21.Those who preregistered will aswell be able to MapleStory M Mesos affirmation their preregistration rewards until August 21.From July 24 through July 31,2018,MapleStory M streamers will aswell access the befalling to win added rewards.

MapleStory M brings the PC game's angel to mobile,alms a avant-garde aberancy of customization,lots of accepting and big bang-up raids.Aback in October 2017,Nexon said that users had created added than 273 abecedarian characters to date in the MapleStory universe.Now the accumulated is 280 million.

The MapleStory M adventurous ability 150 levels of LOLGA content,including new ability classes,a mobile-optimized hunting and auto-battle function,appearance customization including hair blossom and fashionable items and accessories,dungeons that you can play with friends,and pets and mounts.

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