Cardinals renewed their contract with David Johnson for 3 years from lolgaonline's blog

On Saturday night,US time,the Cardinals brought an unexpected news.

The team officially announced that it will renew its contract with running back David Johnson for three years.According to Madden NFL 19 Coins Nan Network reporter Ian Rapoport,the contract value is $39 million,including $30 million in security.Johnson will receive $24 million when signing the contract and $28 million by March next year.

Johnson is the Cardinals' 2015 three-round show.He has performed well in his rookie season.In his second year of LOLGA his career,he played elite-level data.The total number of advances exceeded 2000 and 20 touchdowns were harvested.Regrettably,he was injured in the opening game of the 2017 season and was eventually reimbursed for the season.

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