At the same time from xingwang's blog

At the same time, Zidane may also change to the 442 formation, but this formation may have great risks. The biggest advantage of  Buy FIFA 19 Coins this formation is the addition of an offensive player (Sanchez), which can share the pressure of No. 10 players in the offense. J Ronaldo, who is in the 442 formation, can be closer to the sideline and get more support in the offensive three.

However, the negative impact of this formation is that the two mid-back players will not get more support when defending, especially in the starting lineup lacking a defensive midfielder. In the double-back configuration, Mati? is slow. In the 442 formation, Cross and Tiago's partner will allow Manchester United to fully take advantage of the ball, but once the ball is lost in the midfield, the opponent will get enough offensive space. If he can replace Mourinho, then Zidane is more likely to use the 4312 formation .

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