Two new maps are aswell getting added from lolgavip's blog

More than twenty new aircraft and cars War Thunder Golden Eagles are getting added to the bold including the ample S.25 Sunderland aeriform baiter sea plan.The American P61 night fighter,'Black Widow',the German Do 335 abundant fighter,and the FW 189 A-1 'Uhu' assay aircraft are aswell new additions the aircraft roster.

The Falcon AA gun and the British band will be accepting three top-tier cars which aswell includes the Conway catchbasin boner and Chieftain Mk.3.Germany will accept the Nashorn and added open-top SPGs.The USSR sees the accession of the T-44-100 and KV-1S and the US gets the Super Pershing tank.

Two new maps are aswell getting added.A new aeriform snow map alleged Frozen Pass for aeriform and arena battles,and Volokolamsk which is based on the absolute area in Russia which saw German and Russion armament affray in the defence of Moscow during winter of 1941.

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