After Marty knocked out the hit in the fifth inning from xingwang's blog

After the second game, Gomez hit the second base of Perez and then scored another point. After the full base, Kilmair picked up four bad balls and sent back a point. After that, Duffy’s hit and Robert Sen's touch ball, Cologne and Gomez's hits let the light rewrite the score to 10 to 1.

After Marty knocked out the hit in the fifth inning, Calhoun's two-pointer blew the team's counterattack horn, and in the sixth game, the squad of Puhous, Fletcher, Brisino and Calhoun made the angels tandem. The next two points. In the seventh game, Trout's Yangchun gun reduced the difference to 4 points. Unfortunately, in the case of the 1st and 2nd bases, the rookie Asia, who had previously created the history of the big league, was wasted the best scoring opportunity.

In the eighth game, Calhoun's escort and Otani's hitting gave Angels another 1 and 2 bases. Unfortunately, both Trout and Upton had no way to Cheap MLB18 Stubs  score. In the eighth game, Smith and Duffy's hits also made the light. Attacked the circle, but Robertson did not grasp the opportunity. In the ninth game, Puhous knocked out the attack on the base, but after Fletcher was struck, Kovat knocked out the goodbye and ended the final attack of the angel.

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