War Thunder takes not only the quantity from xingwang's blog

But War Thunder takes not only the quantity, but also the variety. Fighter planes, interceptors, front and heavy bombers, attack aircraft of various modifications will rise to the sky. In the ground battle you can send tanks of all possible classes: here you have modern "main battle tanks", and self-propelled artillery, and mobile anti-aircraft guns, armored personnel carriers, and infantry fighting vehicles, and carriers of guided missiles. In terms of types of War Thunder Golden Eagles  miscellaneous equipment, Gaijin Entertainment outstripped all competitors.

Starting an air battle, you can give in to a deceptive impression that before you is a simple and superficial process. Two squadrons are fiercely fighting at high speeds, points are awarded for the destruction of the enemy and its ground targets. You can, of course, forget about the goals of the assignment and chase only the living enemies, arranging gambling salons. At the same time, the tracking camera is a bit confusing, but it stably produces very beautiful camera angles.

However, this approach rarely leads to the victory of your team. And there are many ways to achieve it. For example, you can attack a group of ships left unguarded. A roundabout way to get to the enemy's bases and make a bomb hell there. Lure an opponent under allied antiaircraft guns. By the way, air defense in the game works effectively, long circling over the head with anti-aircraft gunners with diabolical laughter will not work.

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