Under the terms of our collectively bargained Joint Drug Program from xingwang's blog

Under the terms of our collectively bargained Joint Drug Program, a permanently suspended player like Mr. Mejia has the right to apply to Cheap MLB18 Stubs me for discretionary reinstatement after serving a minimum of two years. Upon receiving Mr. Mejia's application for reinstatement last year, I invited him to New York to meet with me. During our meeting, Mr. Mejia expressed regret for poor choices he made in the past and assured me that, if reinstated, he would adhere to the terms of the Program going forward. In light of Mr. Mejia's contrition, his commitment to comply with the Program in the future, and the fact that he will have already spent almost four consecutive years suspended without pay, I have decided to grant Mr. Mejia a final chance to resume his professional career."

Mejia was serving a life-time suspension from Major League Baseball because he was the first player to violate the league's performance-enhancing drug policy three different times. The original suspension was for 80 games in April 2015 because he tested positive for stanozolol. Then he was suspended for a full season in July '15 after testing positive again for stanozolol and a second drug called boldenone.

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