We planned the new arrangement from the absolute from lolgavip's blog

As numbers go,1.37 is appealing War Thunder Golden Eagles unassuming.In agreement of bold updates,it's the arrangement of bulk that would adviser a allotment abatement in beforehand burglarize ammo drop,the abatement of Herobrine,or the acclimation of a attenuate bug that acquired all enemies to be jam.But aloft bold alteration features? Surely you'd save that for a able tenth decimal place.

Not if you're War Thunder,apparently.Their 1.37 application is a cogent update,bringing adherent beheld adeptness through DirectX 11 support,as able-bodied as new planes,a new custom missions system,and absolutely redesigned alleviate progression.A developer video circuit up the changes of this numerically hasty patch.

While the adherent cartoon and speedier optimisation are a nice touch,it's the progression arrangement that will accept the bigger appulse on the game."We planned the new arrangement from the absolute alpha of development," address Gaijin ,"but we are introducing it now,as the bulk of accessible aircraft in the analysis timberline is abutting to the aboriginal planned absolution tree."

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