You can also completely destroy opposing players vehicles from xingwang's blog

You can also completely destroy opposing players' vehicles. This forces them to Crates Rocket League respawn on their side of the map, giving you precious seconds to capitalize on your opponent's weakened offense/defense. In order to destroy a vehicle, however, you need to plow through them in a straight line while boosting. While doing so is useful if successful, it is also extremely risky and should be used sparingly. Attentive players can easily avoid your madcap ramming attempt, which is almost guaranteed to overshoot you. You don't want to leave your team vulnerable while you scramble to reposition yourself, so don't make a point of destroying cars if you can help it. In general, you want to hit the ball before you start hitting other players.

Rocket League's ball is a complex beast that ricochets around the field depending on how hard you hit it, where you come into contact with it, and what part of your car makes contact. Naturally, the ball takes to the air during hectic matches, making it tricky to retake control of it. Fortunately, your car's boost and jump abilities lets you fly through the air to do exactly that.

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