Kulikov admits he issued assorted DMCA claims from lolgavip's blog

Reached for animadversion today, Pavel Kulikov, administrator of operations and gameplay ambassador for War Thunder, said he has been abeyant for his accomplishments and abjure what he did.

Kulikov admits he issued assorted War Thunder Golden Eagles DMCA claims adjoin the YouTube admission of Kirill "alconafter" Fyodorov, whose broadcasts accept been beheld added than 35 actor times over the accomplished three years.The amount of claims automatically triggered Google's video annual to yield his admission offline, which Fyodorov says displace his eyewitness calculation and acquired him to lose bags of subscribers.It aswell acquired him cogent accident of income.

Fyodorov says that if he logged into his YouTube annual endure ceremony he activate that it had been suspended.Gaijin's CEO, Anton Yudintsev, accepted to Polygon that the abeyance was the aftereffect of assorted affected DMCA claims fabricated by his employee, the ambassador Kulikov.Yudintsev said these DMCA claims were absolutely adjoin aggregation policy.

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