During this year Stanley Cup finals from xingwang's blog

During this year's Stanley Cup finals, some media expressed difficulty understanding the practice of NHL public relations, especially in the third and fourth games, the Golden Knight canceled the training, and the training of the capitalists after the conference Arrangements for NHL 18 Coins the interview were actually substitute player Carpenter. This anger that lasted the media for a long time finally broke out. They immediately compared the NBA news release and attacked the NHL. 

In the NBA, regardless of the outcome of the game, Durant and James will always appear in the press conference. Whether it is winning or losing, how good or bad, how frustrated, how embarrassing, reporters want to tap the most direct response, write the most realistic First-hand story. In this year's finals, the story of Ovidchkin and Fleury was supposed to be the most eye-catching of all the stories. However, the team’s public relations kept them from being closely guarded, even sending out roles like Carpenter. Players to deal with the media. Can't write a story without visiting a player, and how can you advertise the alliance?

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