Thomson of Fleet once FIFA Coins from mtnba2k's blog

Thomson of Fleet once said, ‘a permit to FIFA Coins print money’.But it is much more than that. Under the astute management of Adam Crozier, ITV, after a sad interregnum of cost-cutting, has rediscovered its mojo.It has become a treasure trove of production values ranging from the ever-popular Downton Abbey to the brilliant crime drama Broadchurch.If ITV were allowed to fall to an overseas buyer – the company reportedly has received an approach from US media giant Comcast – it would be as big a blow to creative.

Britain as when EMI fell into private equity hands and subsequently collapsed, leaving the nation without a national champion in music production.Channel Five already has fallen into the hands of an American buyer, Viacom. 21st Century Fox is still thought to have aspirations to gain full control of Sky and should Channel 4 be privatised it will be a sitting duck for takeover.Shareholders may be rubbing their hands with glee, but Media Secretary John Whittingdale should be preparing himself for a stand in favour of pluralism in British-owned media. 

Nuclear riskThe collapse in the share price of Toshiba, after running up a loss of just over £3billion, cannot be looked at with any equanimity by the British government.The company is 60 per cent shareholder in NuGen which is planning to build a new generating plant near Sellafield in Cumbria where spent fuel is reprocessed.

The financial black hole disclosed in Japan hardly makes it good economics to expend £8billion in the UK without substantial new Buy FUT Coins sources of funds. Trusting the nation’s energy security to overseas has big downsides. Blatter appealing 8-year ban, vows to 'fight for FIFA' | Daily Mail Online.

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