The Knicks coach position is attractive from xingwang's blog

The Knicks have fired Jeff Hornacek. The Knicks general manager Scott Perry said he has received a lot of calls and many people want to become the Knicks' new coach.

“We started to receive calls this morning. We haven’t talked to the candidates yet, but we received a call from their agents. I left my mobile phone in my office and when I went back I already had about 20 text messages. We felt that It will be a very attractive job for many candidates,” said Perry.

Perry went on to say: "I think we will be very open-minded. We will study many candidates. We are confident that we can find a candidate that suits us. He will realize our ideas."

“We will be looking for a coach who will be responsible for the players, a coach who will be responsible for the coaches, a person who not only has a great basketball mind, but also an excellent communicator, an efficient leader, and one who can talk to today’s The coaches that the players are well connected with,” said Perry.

In addition, Perry said that there is no timetable for hiring a new coach. He said: "We will work hard to resolve it as soon as possible. We will do our job and find someone who can take us to NBA Live Coins  the next level."

Little Tim Hardaway said he hopes the team’s new coach can stay longer on the team. He said: “It will be great to have more than two seasons, and accept too many different concepts and styles in my career. It's difficult, I hope the next coach can come to make a statement and show that he is totally committed."

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