Cristiano Ronaldo met Messi FIFA Coins from mtnba2k's blog

Cristiano Ronaldo met Messi's FIFA Coins long-term girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo at the event in Switzerland Another user followed a similar theme, with Messi supposedly sarcastically asking Ronaldo where his girlfriend was at the ceremony. This meme seemed to suggest that Messi defeated Portuguese star Ronaldo on two fronts on Monday Barca star 

Neymar was mocked for his sartorial choice on the night as he wore a trilby hat and bow tie with a grey and black tuxedo... he was then, of course, compared to a magician. Barcelona maestro Neymar was mocked for his sartorial choice on the night and compared to a magician American television presenter Steve Harvey, who named the wrong 

Miss Universe winner in December, was ridiculed once again on social media, with it suggested that he'd given the prize to Ronaldo. Steve Harvey, who named the wrong Miss Universe winner in December, was ridiculed Ronaldo's 'disappointed but pleased for a great champion face' was criticised after.

Messi was crowned the winner, with the Buy FIFA 18 Coins 30-year-old looking glum, and Neymar looking pleased. Ronaldo's 'disappointed but pleased for a great champion face' was criticised after Messi was crowned Tottenham Hotspur's Dele Alli even got involved...

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