Arsenal in October to FIFA Coins from mtnba2k's blog

FIFA confirms candidates for FIFA Coins Feb 26 presidency vote ByReuters Published: 05:42 EST, 26 January 2016 | Updated: 05:43 EST, 26 January 2016 e-mail ZURICH, Jan 26 (Reuters) - FIFA's ad-hoc Electoral Committee has formally admitted five candidates to stand for the presidency of soccer's global governing body at an election on Feb. 26, it said on Tuesday.The five are Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan.

Sheik Salman Bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain, Jerome Champagne of France, Gianni Infantino of Italy and Switzerland and Tokyo Sexwale of South Africa, it said in a statement.(Reporting by Michael Shields) Chelsea face FIFA probe over swoop for teenager Bertrand Traore | Daily Mail Online.

Chelsea were forced to defend themselves against accusations that they breached FIFA rules by signing an under-aged world talent.African midfielder Bertrand Traore, 20, played for the club when he was 16 before he had international clearance, it is claimed.That fact has only recently come to FIFA’s attention after pictures emerged of Traore, from Burkina Faso, playing in an Under 18s match against 

Arsenal in October 2011. He has since broken into Buy FIFA Coins the first team. Chelsea's recruitment of Bertrand Traore (right) is under scrutiny after it emerged the youngster played for the Under 18s side when he was 16, in an apparent breach of FIFA regulations 

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