Hans-JoachimEckert of misconduct over FIFA Coins from mtnba2k's blog

Hans-JoachimEckert of misconduct over the sale of FIFA Coins World Cup tickets, abuseof travel expenses, attempting to sell TV rights below theirmarket value and destruction of evidence.Icy blast before Canada warms up for All-Star GameThe NBA got a frosty welcome as it brought its All-Star Gamenorth to Canada for the first time where fans and players weregreeted by.

Arctic blast on Friday but a forecast for plentyof heat over a party packed weekend. Mother Nature and the hostToronto Raptors provided the stereotypical bone-chillingCanadian winter weather as A-list celebrities, industry kingpinsand the world's best basketball players, including LeBron James,Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry took over the frost-bitten city.Monza future still uncertain, says EcclestoneThe future of the Italian Grand Prix at Monza remainsuncertain after this year with Formula One's commercial supremoBernie.

Ecclestone saying on Friday that a deal had become morecomplicated. The historic circuit near Milan, which has been onthe calendar every year bar one since the championship startedin 1950, will host Italy's only race in September but has nocontract beyond 2016.Mets reliever Mejia banned for life for dopingMajor League Baseball (MLB) on Friday issued a lifetime banto former.

New York Mets closer Jenrry Mejia after he Cheap FIFA Coins testedpositive a third time for a performance-enhancing substance.Mejia, 26, tested positive for anabolic steroid Boldenone. Hewas in the midst of a 162-game suspension for both Boldenone andStanozolol, for which he tested positive while serving hisoriginal 80-game ban last summer. Greg Dyke expresses doubts over Sheik Salman's candidacy as FIFA president | Daily Mail Online.

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