Thursday night that many FIFA Coins from mtnba2k's blog

Thursday night that many factors are FIFA Coins considered when it comes to player compensation, including the revenue the teams generate."We think very highly of the women's national team and we want to compensate them fairly, and we'll sit down and work through that with them when all of this settles down," Gulati said.

The U.S. women won the World Cup last year in Canada with a 5-2 victory in the final against Japan. The team earned a total of $2 million for winning the tournament, according to documents. The U.S. men's team earned $9 million the year before at the World Cup in Brazil, where they were knocked out in the round of 16. The prize payouts came from FIFA, soccer's international governing body, and not from U.S. Soccer.The federation pays the men and women equally for qualifying for the Olympics and making the roster for the event."

There are no legitimate non-discriminatory reasons for this gross disparity of wages, nor can it be explained away by any bona fide seniority, merit or incentive system or any other factor other than sex," said the complaint.Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton weighed in on the issue on Twitte.

Wouldn't want to face these women on the field Cheap FUT Coins or in the courtroom. Every woman deserves equal pay."Landon Donovan, who played 14 seasons with the men's national team, posted to Twitter: "USWNT absolutely deserve to be treated fairly in all ways. Important to remember that these issues are/can be collectively bargained."

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