The first warm up match from loyaty's blog

July 18 at 19:20, the International Champions Cup China Division in Guangzhou University City Stadium began the first contest, AC Milan 1 to 3 loss to Dortmund. Sahin opened the scoring, Obermeyan scored twice, Priscilla 2 assists and made a penalty. Baka personal attack broke.

AC Milan this summer has spent over 200 million euros, Ricardo - Rodriguez, Casey, Borini three new aid into the starting FIFA Coins. Compared with the first warm-up match, Montella replaced 5 starting, Zapata, Jose-Mali, Bonaventura, Niang, Baka played, replaced Moussa Chio, Montolivo, Berto Ratchi, Kutelene, Chal Hannah Oulu.

Dortmund coach Boss adjusts three positions, Papa Staplesopoulos, Denberlay, New aid Zagadu to replace Toplake, Schmeier, Schuler. Obermayan and Papasta Sopoulos face the old master, the former is also AC Milan transfer target. The last two teams have traced back to the Champions League group stage 15 (1 to 0).

The match was played in the rain and the stadium was not ideal. Opening 74 seconds, Obermeyan Road, the ball, the right side of the door from the door 21 meters away from the left foot shot was Storari confiscated. Followed by Obermeyan once again back to do the ball, Deng Beilei on the right side of the restricted area on the edge of the left foot arc stickers out of the post. Shaheen, Rohde and Deng Beilei played with the triangle, Dengbei Lai restricted area on the right side of the small angle Tuishe Stolari attack out.

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By loyaty
Added Mar 7 '18


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