Special material in evolution of survival from loyaty's blog

The ark: the evolution of evolution. In "the ark: evolution of survival", there are a few creatures that are so small that they can run around as long as they are attacked, and they never know how to fight back. For survivors of the ark, such as the dodo wandering in the field of large PanDunEr just a can provide large amounts of meat and fur weak chicken, in addition to run what all not ~

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And when you have tamed it, you will find that... It still runs... The dodo will protect the owner, and the musk deer will run faster than you... The musk deer is a peaceful and domesticated animal, but it is not rejected by stun food Buy ARK Items. As long as you can give it enough flavor, he will go with you. More wonderful work that is different from other animals eat only one food, musk deer foot beast survivors need to collect a large number of special material for feeding tame: blood resin, leeches, organic polymer, rare mushroom, rare flowers and high quality raw meat, high quality raw fish and so on.

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By loyaty
Added Feb 22 '18


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