2K Games is the American game publisher from loyaty's blog

The NBA 2K series and EA's "NBA Live" series have been the world's two most popular basketball games, winning a lot of loyal fans with their excellent handling. In recent years, the NBA 2K series has been the league's most popular cover. In 2008, he was the queen of queens, Garnett in 2009, and Kobe Bryant NBA MT Coins in 2010, and Jordan, the "god of basketball" in 2011.

2K Games is the American game publisher, and the parent company is take-two Interactive, which was established in 2005. Headquartered in New York City, it also publishes Sports games in the name of 2K Sports. 2K SPORTS, formerly SEGA SPORTS, was established in North America in 1997. 2K Games involves football, basketball, ice hockey, baseball and tennis. SEGA, a subsidiary of SEGA in North America, was forced to disband.

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By loyaty
Added Feb 11 '18


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