The university stadium from loyaty's blog

The university stadium will replace the university's current track and field stadium, with a total of 43,520 seats. The gold front of the stadium blends traditional Arabic geometric patterns with the rough surface of the free form, symbolizing the past and the future. At the end of the World Cup, the number of seats in the stadium will be reduced to 23,500 for university athletes.

The number of seats in the al-garfa stadium will rise from 21175 to 44,740. Stadium positive would consist of a ribbon, a symbol of the country are eligible to host the 2022 World Cup, but also a symbol of the football, the friendship between each other, tolerance and patience, and a respect for the World Cup FIFA Coins. After the World Cup, the number of seats will be reduced to the current number, 2,175.

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By loyaty
Added Feb 7 '18


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