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There are certain regions that are unable to connect to Rocket League’s online multiplayer component. As a result, server access is restricted in China, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Apologies to our customers in those regions ROCKET LEAGUE is the registered trademark of PSYONIX and the ROCKET LEAGUE and PSYONIX logos are the trademarks of Psyonix Inc. Copyrights and trademarks are protected under United States, foreign country, and international laws and treaties. All rights reserved. 

It's far too easy to get enraged when you're ranking drops, even if you think it shouldn't have. Don't rage at your teammates for simple mistakes. Everybody makes them. When you are placed with "nooby" teammates, stay calm and move on. Your opponets just drank 3 gallons of salt water and puked it all over you. You're missing goals you usually don't. The list goes on and on and on. Here, I've written a guide on how you can make the most of your sessions on Rocket League and avoid a downward spiral into toxic waste.

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By loyaty
Added Jan 7 '18


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