The first time to spend Christmas from loyaty's blog

The first time to spend Christmas in gartai was the front page of today's world sports daily. In an interview, he made a New Year's wish: if he can't be crowned king, at least he will be a double champion.

"In my life, 2017 is a perfect year, both professionally and personally," he said of 2017. I joined barca, my kids were born, I wasn't hurt... What I can say is gratitude." He then made a New Year's wish: "in 2018, we want to be the triple crown. I know it's very difficult to be a triple crown prince. If that doesn't happen, we should at least be double champions.

Barcelona are 14 points ahead of real Madrid in the league. "Barcelona is a great team and will always be the one to win," he said. It is important to be ahead of real Madrid, but we have to continue to play this way until the end of the season. For cudicinho, paulio also gave his advice: "I suggest he be calm and not anxious. When I was not in Barcelona, I had this experience. He wants to stay calm and everything will go well. Before making a decision, he must think clearly and not regret his future."

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By loyaty
Added Dec 28 '17


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