How to Enable Trading and Trade with other players in Rocket League? Everything you need to know from xingwang's blog

Trading in Rocket League is an online feature that Rocket League Items For sale allows you to exchange items with other players. Psyonix, the developers of Rocket League, do not shy away from adding beautiful cosmetics. The game includes cars, decals, antennas, boosts, toppers, flags, banners, goal explosions, and more. They can be used to customize your car. Additionally, an entire community in Rocket League is dedicated to customization and stylization.

These items can be unlocked through progression, season-end rewards, and blueprints. However, the game also allows you to trade items with other players. A majority of the cosmetics you want will be unlocked through trading with others. Here is everything you need to know about trading in Rocket League.

Trading with Other Players in Rocket League.

To unlock trading, you must be XP level 30 or higher. You must also have more than 50 minutes of gameplay in online matches. Epic Games has added some safety features to reduce fraud in trading. You must have purchased the equivalent of at least 500 credits (or 600 eSports tokens, starter packs, etc.) to trade. You do not need to fulfill the last criteria if you have been a player since before the game went free-to-play.

After this, ensure that trading is enabled in the in-game settings. In the settings menu, navigate to the interface tab. Enable the “Allow Player-to-Player Trading” option. Once you have enabled this option, you are now eligible to trade cosmetics with other players. To trade with another player, do the following:

Launch Rocket League.

Invite the player you want to trade with to your party.

Select the “Invite to Trade” button by clicking on the other player’s icon.

Select the items/credits you wish to offer the other player. You will be able to see their offerings as well.

If you are satisfied with their offering, select “accept”.

After both players have accepted the other’s offering, the trade will .

commence, and the items will be added to your inventory.

Both players must be online when the trade is being initiated. If a player changes the trade, it is immediately canceled. Keep in mind that all trades are final. Once you have traded items with another player, you cannot reverse the trade or get your items back. You will be met with a similar prompt in-game before confirming a trade.

Blueprint builds can only be traded on the platform that they are purchased on. For example, a blueprint bought with credits on the PS5 can only be traded with players on the PS5. Furthermore, item shop purchases from the item shop and esports shop are completely non-tradeable. Multiple items can be traded in the same trade. However, it is recommended to trade in small batches to keep an eye on each item to avoid getting scammed.

Trading is a great way to acquire the cosmetics you want RL Items for sale and make your appearance look stylish. This way, you do not have to spend tons of money to get the cosmetics you want. Make sure to remember these rules of trading and always double-check any trades before confirming. Remembering these tips will help you not to get scammed while trading.

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