EFT Roubles giving everybody 1 million Rubles from xingwang's blog

a weekend ago that the group at Battlestate Games is EFT Roubles giving everybody 1 million Rubles — the in-game money, not true money — as remuneration. Players have a couple of days to sign in and guarantee it. 

"We are grieved that you needed to manage flimsy worker execution this end of the week," the designers said in a progression of tweet. "We need to guarantee you that we are working resolutely to improve the worker circumstance, in spite of the fact that it isn't generally dependent upon us to fix it. We apologize for the burden and thank you for your understanding and comprehension." 

Numerous players were excited by the information, since that much cash will get you at any rate a couple of top of the line things from the in-game retail facade. Yet, a lot more were not exactly hopeful about the condition of the game. 

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