People won't want to buy classic wow gold from Limm's blog

You feel the people don't have any intention to buy anything because they only want to create gold rather than loot?They do not bid on stuff because there are whale in order that they get wow classic gold compensated in the form of gold. They believe gdkp is the most fair distribution either you purchase loot or you receive golden. When there's absolutely no whale then it's time for them to gear up themselves.

It's basic supply and demand and equilibrium price relations. Why do people not visit gdkp swoop upward deathsting to get 500g when they can make 50g/hr?

Not mention 50gph is the baseline of many courses farm. They're raw gold farm which the gold players receive come from vendoring drop, so it's separate from the market.

Good things is that there are many fantastic items in fall that every courses (can be except hunter) want. If those big ticket things are so cheap why would you think people won't want to buy classic wow gold buy get them for several hours of farming?Honestly, I believe there are a lot more folks who farmed their gold officially then you believe.

The principal things GDKP does is incentivize people to run raids they would never otherwise run again because they require nothing, as well as give people with more gold than they know what to do with a socket for this. It is only bad if you presume all that gold is botted or purchased with real money.

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