The road to wow classic gold finishing raids from Limm's blog

And you also didn't clear all the raid content in just two brief raid nights. 6 hours was only AQ in how backs.

The road to wow classic gold finishing raids was a great deal more meandering.

The first few weeks, I do not believe my guild will get stuck on any particular boss, but we're likely to run from time until we've heard the fights.

It is going to be interesting to see. Back in the day there were not many guilds able to realistically attempt 4H. Most who killed them went on to clear within a few weeks, however they were the bosses that inspired individuals to bother with planet fans. Certainly everyone knew going in that they would take some FrR prep.

Gothik has been a major DPS test that I'm convinced we can brute force nowadays, so that he will not even register as an overdue boss. Loatheb is a"did you draw shadow pots every week" check with coordination requirements that shouldn't be too hard today.

Sapphiron will be actual rough early on mywowgold classic wow gold before we have had the time to deck out in frost withstand, and KT would fit in pretty well with modern fights.One pile of Greater Shadow Protection pots is 54G in my server at the moment. This will be hell to pay for next phase.

It is possible to practice for kt's difficulty spike by letting a couple little cthun eyes fully channel each wave. If you do exactly the cthun mechanics well you will do good on kt tho.

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