Rocket League is one of the best titles on PlayStation from lolgaonline's blog

While you may be going too fast to Rocket League Items ever truly appreciate just how good Rocket League looks during gameplay, you can count the individual blades of grass during replays. Psyonix has made an absolutely gorgeous game, that runs without any hint of slowdown. There are several different stadiums to play in, each with their own gorgeous aesthetic. Some even have weather effects that take full advantage of the PlayStation 4’s power.

Simply put, Rocket League is one of the best titles on PlayStation 4. It manages to flawlessly blend fast-paced racing with a sport that is familiar to millions. The depth is there to keep players coming back for years to come, and Psyonix has done a masterful job in creating one of the best multiplayer experiences yet.

Rocket League has been a breakout success for LOLGA developer Psyonix, becoming an official esport in its two years of existence. NBC Sports, FACEIT, and Psyonix teamed up for the first 2-vs-2 tournament back in August. We caught up to Josh Watson from Psyonix in between some heated matches to get his take on the event, and maybe learn a thing or two about the game’s future. You can read our full interview below.

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