The next analysis of ranked Rocket League begins next week from lolgavip's blog

The next analysis of ranked Rocket League begins next week, on Tuesday, August 27. A day afterwards on Wednesday, the 28th, Rocket Canyon 4 will bang off with new items to alleviate in the accepted chargeless and paid versions.

Mudcat is the new car, which is apart if you buy the exceptional Rocket Pass. It's aggressive by Rocket League Items assemblage cars, and there's a G1 adaptation at bank 25, and a GXT adaptation at bank 70, as apparent in the bivouac above. Personally, I ambition it looked added like a Peugeot 205 or something. It doesn't even attending abundant like the archetypal avant-garde assemblage cars, now that I anticipate of it, unless Ford Fiestas are decidedly altered than I remember. But I'm nitpicking.

You'll acquire absolutely a continued time to Rocket League Keys alleviate tiers, as this Rocket Canyon doesn't end until December 4. As usual, the exceptional adaptation costs 10 keys, which comes to $10. Or you can absorb 20 keys to skip beeline to bank 12, but no one I apperceive has bald to do such a thing—I'm at bank 257 in the accepted Rocket Pass. Maybe I just play Rocket League too much.

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