Runescape's tone is joyously mild from Sletrry's blog

This stat was obtained through MisplacedItems, which counts the number of active players every five minutes. It may not be 100% accurate, but it is the nearest thing we have got to a real statistic with regards to how many men and women play the OSRS gold.

Gold farming has Venezuelans targeted in old-school Runescape

Times are quite difficult in Venezuela. There is no other way to place it. The expense of food and medication has skyrocketed under the nation's runaway inflation.

A lot of people in Venezuela have switched to gold farming in old-school Runescape that a newspaper there printed a post on how to do it about three months ago. Currently this week, someone published a guide about the old-school Runescape subreddit that effectively made anyone from the nation a goal in the match, whether or not buy runescape gold they had been gold farming.

Yes, farming gold is obnoxious, against the game's rules and will get a person banned. However, the tide of anger cresting from the Runescape community this week isn't in the gold farmers, it's at the people killing them (in the game).

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