The other person suffering for OSRS gold from Limm's blog

 Socialism was desired by them, now they can cope with it.What, you believe racism is about calling people names? No! It's all about exploiting the other person suffering for OSRS gold your own benefit. I wonder just how much income you're going to be receiving, but hey that's company. Damn son, I know in your head you mean well but your type of people are evil and the wonder is really fucked up now. Didn't even make it 1 min into viewing.

For real, who's paying for this gold? Like hell, multi-million? Anyways, I strongly dislike all botters/farmers regardless of what it does into the"game market." When botters/farmers did not exist, then skillers would be profitable and it is a game and it might feel like an accomplishment. From a humanitarian stand-point that Runescape attempts to portray for the farmers/botters. You still can not match the counter-argument in which they are still breaking ToS along with the companies that are abusing it are just scum. The Venezuelans are abused by them as if they're contributing to buy osrs gold trusted their own well-being.

When Jagex decides to only completely ip ban 19, Though they would ditch them in a heart beat. A better choice would be Jagex donating a dollar or two per membership into a Venezuelan fund and assisting them that way (tax break bb for Jagex.) Regrettably, nobody cares to fix anything and we only got this bs. Any-whothis is some irl servant labor in which the rich gets richer. Do not try to behave as if we should need to ignore it just because of people trying to make ends meet. See to the issue before it becomes worse. 

Otherwise, the situation will never get better in match and irl. Especially when Runescapes' player foundation shrinks and wallets become tighter.

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