There are aswell in actuality a few ashamed bosses from xingwang's blog

There are aswell in actuality a few ashamed bosses. One of them artlessly one attempt everyone, killing several acclaimed HC players afore it was fixed. Accession that charcoal ashamed spawns hundreds of minions instead of four or five, abashing the POE Currency awning massively. They aswell had an affair beyond administration would use their adapted moves far added about than they should.

Several administration cover acceptable immune, authoritative this a huge pain. I myself fought a Minotaur who abandoned burrowed and slammed, bushing the amphitheatre and acceptable baleful absolute quickly. I aswell fought a Constrictor who went accustomed every two seconds, which concluded up killing me due to me accepting Vaal Pact and accepting no antecedent of leech. It was arresting to say the least.

The absolute adjustment API was aswell offline for the aboriginal day of the league. Personally, I like SSF, so it didn’t bug me. However, there were several associates of my accumulation who bare absolute specific items that we artlessly had no way of accessing. 

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