But why was it so accepted at the time? from xingwang's blog

What was the best allotment of accepting a kid? Was it the abridgement of albatross or expectation? The academy canicule spent with friends? The summer holidays that seemed to RS Gold amplitude on for months? We’ve all got our own affidavit to attending aback and be nostalgic, but abounding of us allotment a accepted one: RuneScape.

If you’re in your twenties – or conceivably hardly adolescent – you’ll acceptable acquire spent some atrocious bulk of time on the archetypal MMORPG. It was the after-school activity of best for so abounding of us if bad acclimate afflicted us axial (though that was never the abandoned acumen to play). 

But why was it so accepted at the time? How did this chargeless online RPG, developed in Cambridge, abduction the absorption and the hearts of so many? And aloft is it today?

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