Take on the harder tests in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

Even if it's just a small minority and they post their own movies of boss soloing, it brings jelly to a folks, particularly people who are Maplestory M Mesos too addicted to harm. So much that a vast majority of players, I mainly speak about typical funded players or above, completely overlook the RPG part of the game.

These facts induce people to think the game is pay2win without realizing they could just party with different players. But we must agree it takes a minimal damage, which can be fine because of achievments you have done up to now. But maybe the minimal damage requiered is high so merely financed can meet requierment but there was a so small minority that they finally solo.

Or if minimum damage is good but the timer if too large, it makes supervisors too easy to solo at certain points. And remember after years of presence of MapleStory, it's far too easy to gain damage with these features which is cool. However there are a few stuffs which don't help either and is an issue for FM market as instance, in my own opinion. The truth that it exists instance drop. This instanced drop system pratically kills Free Market market, because in my view end-game boss equipment prices should buy Maple Mobile Mesos not be this cheap especially weapons.

Some people are able to say classes are unbalanced because of fast hitter classes and we could take Dojo as example. I believe Dojo is your best example I can use here. And also the movies of people soloing chaos vellum. You may see it is unfair ? Why most classes can not hit"about" same damage for a cappion fast hitter with same funds? I can easily blame this current cap harm system.

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