Besides initiating PvP fights buy wow classic gold from Limm's blog

 No running no more formation no nothing. They had seen in this movie and would mess us and they would laugh. I was mad at the time but now I look back and wish I had been on the side.

Besides initiating PvP fights buy wow classic gold was useful. Hunters could feign death + shadowmeld mid combat, simultaneously dropping targetting and setting up for their shot . Traps weren't mid-combat that is usable however, you could combo a trick as well as feign death using it. 

Feign death did not force a hunter to depart battle indefinitely back then and it had to be enabled by micromanaging your pet, you then got a split second to perform all of this. Maybe not"overpowered", but the discussion didn't feel planned at the time and it certainly was powerful.

 Shadowmeld was eventually patched to be gold in wow classic eliminated whenever channels were begun (Aimed Shot and other charms ). However the feign death interactions stayed, and predators were largely balanced around it. It was no more needed to pull some of the combat shenanigans Hunters did with the ability.

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