Especially things from cheap wow classic gold from Limm's blog

MadSeason is there any possibility you could explore Vanilla Exploration? Especially things from cheap wow classic gold Dopefish's Exploration and Noggaholic series? That was a part of vanilla for me, farming smashed lands to get my epic mount so many better choices, but youthful me was like hey, it is like 15-35 Silver a kill! 

Turns out I got a Krol Blade and Stockade Pauldrons to fall so it worked out, but getting that bracket and running around areas that I thought could be amazing one day to see in game... This was real pleasure. Just to have them release nearly all of them mind you Burning Crusade was amazing, everyone recalls walking through the portal site, it was the classic wow gold growth imo that is excellent, Vivendi buyouts GG'd that the attunements and more would be to follow.

Sharding reduces the societal immersion aspect of an MMO. It's a trick. It creates the illusion of a"seamless" world, but is really nothing but"seam". It's subtle... but impactful. Then there is a whole lot less incentive for this person to participate if I understand there's a chance I never see this person again, even though we're at exactly the same places.

 In contrast, occasionally on vanilla personal servers I will bump into precisely the individual 2 or 3 times and we realize we're going about the exact same way, and possibly talk, team or become good friends! No sharding! Keep vanilla as Blizzard is pleased by a realistic simulation!

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