Make your way through MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

In conjunction to that event gamers that wanted to obtain the skills but not the reincarnation they'd have to accumulate 20 lunar dew items from Desert Rats (Grendels Version) from Ariant. Since the release of this kind of event quest I have for long years tried to accumulate the lunar Maplestory M Mesos. To no avail I have yet to have one Lunar Dew drop from either gender of Desert Rat.

As time went on I was to learn that the Drop Rate for the Lunar Dew Items had been apparently still is in its own class of rarity. I Find this to be very unfair to old and newer players who might come across this quest and would like to opt for the prize at the end of it. I do, however,know that some individuals have attained quest completion but only at the cost of sleep.

Real USD in order to purchase multiples of those 2x drop cards and have to wait for the 2x drop event so that they can stack the drop rate modifier or buy what has come to be the priciest familiar in order to assist the process. Once again I think this kind of quest must much of a Drop Rate problem to keep players like me considering the material which Maplestory Global now provides.

Please GMS team raise the drop rate of buy MaplestoryM Mesos this Lunar Dew Items that fall from the Desert Rats which come from the Empress's Might Job Quest.A concerned Maplestory Bishop.

Before I even start to write out exactly what my proposal is, I would like everyone to know that I do blacklist a lot of individuals. There are a lot of people who I don't enjoy, and want no company with in sport. Either because they are cyber bullies, or have been known for scamming other people.

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